Let’s hop on a quick (10-minute) PPO Reduction Assessment Call to see if we might be able to help you safely drop 1 or more PPOs.

Don’t believe it can be done? Let’s find out.

I promise we have nothing to sell on this call. We’ll see where you’re at, what your goals are, how many PPOs you’re in… and then we’ll be able to judge based on our experience whether you’ll be able to safely reduce your dependence on PPOs WITHOUT losing all your patients.

My team and I have been doing these PPO Reduction Assessment Calls for over 24 years, and have spoken to literally THOUSANDS of general dentists.

Finally Break Free from PPO Prison

Now… If we think we can help you, we’ll offer to jump on a full 60-minute “Breakthrough Call.” We’ll take a deep dive into your practice situation to see what single Breakthrough you can make on your own…

Totally Without My Help…

To find hidden revenue and make more money almost immediately.

When we’re done, you’ll have a roadmap to earn 200k, 300k, or more, than you’re earning now while working LESS than you do right now.

We’ll focus on how you can get your practice and your life back, start saving for retirement, and let go of most of the stressors of running a successful practice.

And like I said, you can implement the ideas I give you by yourself, or you can ask for help. It’s completely up to you. Whether or not we end up working together you’ll get massive value from your Breakthrough Call.

And you’ll have clarity on exactly which steps to take next to make a lot more money and to begin safely reducing your dependence on PPOs. Forever.

If we don’t think we can help you, we’ve got tons of free resources we’ll send your way to help you reduce dependence on PPOs based on your unique practice and circumstances.

If you’d like to see if we can help you safely reduce (or even eliminate) your dependence on PPOs, click on the link to schedule your 10-minute “PPO Reduction Assessment Call” right now.

Let’s see if we can help!