During the last 23 years, Dr. Tom Orent, a best-selling author, has helped hundreds of dentists safely and predictably reduce their dependence on PPOs


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Reduce Risk & Increase Profit
Even Before Dropping a Single Plan

For longer than I care to admit I was an in-network provider for several PPO insurance plans. 

When I was starting out in practice, “in-network” seemed like a pretty good deal. They send us patients and in return, we agree to a small reduction in fee. 

As time passed, I realized my cost of doing business and the fees PPOs were willing to pay were growing farther apart. Although they deny it, the PPOs did everything possible to negatively influence treatment recommendations. I could no longer afford to offer uncompromised care while accepting their compromised fees. I made a difficult decision. I planned a slow and methodical exit from PPO participation.

Leaving PPOs wasn’t a move I made lightly, hastily or unprepared. Quite the contrary. Before I gave them any indication I was leaving, I crafted a plan for my exit. It took many months to deploy, but in the end, I was able to keep most of my patients, collect full fee-for-service, and be rid of the insurance companies’ bullying tactics.


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During the last 23 years, Dr. Tom Orent, a best-selling author, has helped hundreds of dentists safely and predictably reduce their dependence on PPOs

Reduce Risk & Increase Profit
Even Before Dropping a Single Plan

For longer than I care to admit I was an in-network provider for several PPO insurance plans. 

When I was starting out in practice, “in-network” seemed like a pretty good deal. They send us patients and in return, we agree to a small reduction in fee. 

As time passed, I realized my cost of doing business and the fees PPOs were willing to pay were growing farther apart. Although they deny it, the PPOs did everything possible to negatively influence treatment recommendations. I could no longer afford to offer uncompromised care while accepting their compromised fees. I made a difficult decision. I planned a slow and methodical exit from PPO participation.

Leaving PPOs wasn’t a move I made lightly, hastily or unprepared. Quite the contrary. Before I gave them any indication I was leaving, I crafted a plan for my exit. It took many months to deploy, but in the end, I was able to keep most of my patients, collect full fee-for-service, and be rid of the insurance companies’ bullying tactics.

In this FREE SPECIAL REPORT you'll discover:

Today, some of our colleagues write off upwards of 25%, even 30% of their fees while bearing a 70% practice overhead. Do the math. With poor reimbursement and high practice overhead, it’s almost as if we’re working for the insurance companies.

Is it Even Possible to Dump All of Your PPOs Today?

Although it’s possible, it’s not necessarily the best plan for many practices today. There are many factors to be considered before you simply cut your managed care umbilical cord. If more than 25% of your patients have PPO insurance for which you are in-network, just dumping all the plans could unnecessarily jeopardize your practice.

When my father was dying of cancer he was deeply in debt and had a veritable PPO “factory.” Elizabeth and I were bedside at the Mass General Hospital when he told us he had no retirement savings, no life insurance… nothing for my mother to live on. He asked us to take over his practice, turn it around to create financial security for my mother. We promised we would, and we did.

He had 15 PPOs and his practice was hemorrhaging money when he passed away. Just over 2 years after taking over his practice we had eliminated 13 of his 15 plans and created a highly profitable practice. In this FREE Special Report, you’ll discover exactly what to do to REDUCE YOUR DEPENDENCE ON PPOs and create a more enjoyable, far more profitable practice.

Whether You Want to Say Goodbye to ALL Your PPOs or Just the Worst, Don’t Miss this FREE Special Report!

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DISCLAIMER: The successes mentioned on this page and discussed in our coaching program are from my personal dental practices and the results of some of our previous and existing clients. These results are not typical. We don’t know what you will or won’t do with the information we share. The people we reference took action and effectively applied what we taught them. Many people purchase information but get little or no results. The case studies and people we highlight are for example only. Your results will vary and depend on a wide range of factors including but not limited to your clinical background, practice experience, and your personal work ethic. Your dental practice is a business, and, practices entail risk and require massive and consistent effort and action. If that’s not for you, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM Dr. Tom Orent or Freedom Summit Coaching.

Dr. Tom Orent
Gems Publishing, USA, Inc.
Freedom Summit Coaching

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